Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Important Computer Files - What If You Lost All Of Them?

Statistics show that 42 percent of computer users lose irreplaceable files every year. Some very simple things that the average user can do to protect themselves from becoming a statistic are:
Simple, Built-in Backup Method...
In Windows 7 and Vista:
  • Go to -> Start -> Control Panel -> Backup and Restore -> Back up files -> and then follow-on on-screen prompts. It is recommended that you choose to back up to an external hard drive. If you don't have an external hard drive then use a DVD and store it in a safe place when done.
In Windows XP:
  • Go to -> Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Backup -> and then follow the on-screen prompts and same guidelines as Windows 7 and Vista.
When doing these steps there is also an option to set up a recurring schedule. This is a good option to set up to run at least weekly so that any new information will get protected as well.
If you follow these steps you have taken a big step towards protecting your priceless computer files.
--Warning-- The whole reason you are backing up your computer files is because the hard drive might crash or the operating system you are using might become corrupt. If you backup to an external hard drive you are at the same risk of that hard drive crashing as well. DVDs are the safest option because statistics show that they will last about 20 to 25 years depending on use.
Simple Hard Drive Precautions That Will Help...
One of the reasons a hard drive will fail is because of a voltage spike from your electric wall outlet. In order to help prevent this from not only frying your hard drive, but also your power supply, motherboard and other expensive computer parts, you definitely want to plug all your electronic devices into a surge protector. Surge protectors range in price from around 10 to 200 dollars. Just remember that you get what you pay for. The more expensive ones can withstand a lot larger voltage spike than the less expensive ones. But the cheapest one is still better than nothing at all.
Need Something More?
If you are looking for a more robust solution than you are most likely going to be interested in the online data backup solution. There are various competitors out there that range in different prices. I would recommend not spending more than 20 dollars a month. Be sure to read the fine print on what the company is advertising as well. They may be advertising 15 dollars a month but the fine print says that after 2 months it will go up to 30 dollars a month.

Monday, October 15, 2012

How Ultrasound Technology Benefits Humanity

We use many different types of medical technologies to help to keep our health at optimum levels. This type of technology is something that is evolving on a regular basis and there are certainly methods that are available today that were not available just a few short years ago. An example of this is ultrasound, something that has been used successfully in medicine for just a few decades. It has assisted doctors in being able to diagnose and treat their patients in many cases, without ever doing any type of surgery. What is an ultrasound and how has this type of medical technology benefited humanity?
Ultrasound, when used medically is for the purpose of being able to view what is inside of the body without having to open the body to see it. All of your muscles, tendons and a wide variety of your internal workings can easily be seen using this type of technology. They can also help to see other things that may be in the body, some of which do not belong there. The type of technology that is being used is known as sonography. It bounces waves off of what is inside of your body and then gives a visual of what is inside by measuring the amount of time that it takes for those waves to return to the ultrasound medical equipment.
Most of us that are familiar with ultrasound are likely familiar with it because of how it is used with prenatal care. Using either new or preowned ultrasound machines, the doctor can look into the mother and view the child from a very young age. This can have many different benefits, including being able to see if there are any problems with the developing fetus. Many parents also appreciate the fact that they are able to see the child before it is born and if they agree, can even learn the sex of the child in advance. Of course, that is only one of the many uses of ultrasound in medicine.
This type of technology can also be used to detect any problems that are taking place within the heart. An ultrasound that is done in this way can allow the doctor to see the valves as they operate and can also allow them to check for any deposits that may be on the inside of the blood vessels. In addition, they can check the body for any blood clots that may be forming or that may exist in the blood vessels. They can then do what is necessary to break the blood clots or to filter them, depending upon the condition of the patient.
As ultrasound technology continues to improve, there is no doubt that there are going to be additional ways that it can be used to the benefit of those needing medical attention. It is something that is available in every hospital and many doctors offices are also able to get easy access to preowned ultrasound equipment that is affordable and use it for diagnostic purposes.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Different Types Of 3D TV's

There has been a great deal of interest in 3D TVs recently and the technology is really moving quickly. All the major manufacturers are developing their systems. They are available in a number of designs and sizes so there is bound to be one for you. However, this makes for a bewildering choice for the uninitiated and where to begin could seem quite confusing. There is a way of helping to simplify the types of 3D television and the first is the technology, do you want active or passive?
In order to understand the 2 types, you must first understand the technology. Active 3D requires that the viewer wears special 3D glasses. These special active shutter glasses work in conjunction with the television by alternatively allowing images to either the left or the right by blanking the opposite side. The passive type allows viewers to watch in 3D with less technical glasses. This technology works by combining the images presented to each eye to create a 3D picture by use of polarised lenses.
There are of course pros and cons to all things and this is no different. The active 3D glasses require batteries in order to work. They have shutters which have been built in so that they can alternate the frames to each eye at very high speeds without the viewer noticing. It is the speed of the shutters that create the 3D effect and these glasses are able to interact with the TV by transmitter. The best thing about this system, is that the viewer watches in full HD as well as 3D. The downside is that the glasses can be uncomfortable and they are expensive to buy. They can also occasionally, cause the wearer to feel nauseous or headachy but as the technology develops, this will hopefully become less of a problem.
The passive 3D glasses are much lighter, simpler and cheaper to buy. This system is known to reduce flicker and works by having 2 different lenses which have different polarization. There is also a polarized layer on the television. The downside is that there can be a loss of picture quality.
The next thing you need to look at is the display type of the TV. There are LED, plasma and LCD screens to choose from. You need to look at each display type as a 3D television and the one main difference between them is the refresh rate. Plasma screens have performed well here but LED and LCD screens have caught up as their technology has advanced. For most people the difference in picture quality is not apparent until the sets are seen side by side. There may not be much difference even then until you watch something like a fast moving sport.
Lastly, you should consider the display size. Where 3D TV is concerned, bigger is usually better. However, take into account the size of the room and your budget. An over large screen will not be nice to watch in a small room, so try and choose one that befits the room it will be situated in. As a general rule, the ideal distance to be seated from the screen is approximately three or four times the height of the television.